Hotel Information Display

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Hotel Information Display - Building the future with the latest tech...

A few years back, the digital screen strategy of the hotels was pretty high-end, and not everyone had the luxuries that they offered, such as TVs in rooms, advertising billboards, monitors at check-ins displaying news. The hotels were way ahead of the curve. But now, all other places have caught up with these trends and offer the same conveniences. Hoteliers like being at the top; therefore, they are always bringing a new level of innovation, and one of their main ways is through digital signage.

When it comes to a connected hotel space, putting up a few screens on the wall is not the only way to move forward. Here is how they are enhancing their hotel information display with SignBean:

Real-Time Welcome

The guests expect a warm welcome when they enter your hotel; it requires the staff to engage with each guest and take them through all the selling points. In peak periods, this can become an issue for the hotel staff, and there is a possibility of guests being ignored. This is where digital signage plays the role of the staff and provides the guests with all the information they need.

The real-time welcome information includes check-in waiting times, local travel updates, restaurant hours, essential updates related to the hotel, and much more. It ensures that your guests are updated with everything that your hotel has to offer. Our SignBean studio platform lets you update the information as soon as you need to manage the content conveniently.


There is no doubt that digital technology keeps evolving, along with the demands of the guests. Nowadays, not all guests are looking for news and informative content on digital screens; many guests want to be entertained. With SignBean, you can display a show or movie from Netflix or some other exciting videos to keep them entertained while waiting in the lobby, hotel bar, or restaurant.

Emergency Notices

Incidents are inevitable in a place where many people are residing; this requires prompt emergency service. You can use digital signage as a valuable and effective emergency response tool and send notices across all the screens instantly. It is faster, efficient, and ensures that everyone at the hotel has the information of a potential hazard or danger.

Some messages related to adverse weather conditions, gas leaks, fire, etc., can be prepared in advance and displayed when needed without any delay. SignBean eliminates the mess of poor communication due to panic and the hassle of paper signs.

Informed Travel

Time is a very crucial thing for travelers; they need to plan their whole trip in advance and make sure that they are following it correctly. Things like travel delays, missing trains, etc., can disrupt their whole plan, which is not good. Therefore, with digital signage, travelers can be updated with real-time travel updates. This contributes to a better guest experience and creates a great reputation for your hotel. That's not it, you can even display transport options like Uber or bike shares to your guests, and they would know their options in advance.


While showing something entertaining on display, you can add advertisements somewhere on the screen in a subtle way. In this way, the guest will receive the message you want to send without feeling like they are being bombarded with ads. Hoteliers can get many benefits with this option; they can promote local restaurants, attractions, bars, etc., and help the guests.